Abstrak – Minyak kelapa sawit atau CPO sebagai salah satu komoditas ekspor andalan Indonesia saat ini Anjloknya harga pasar global diperparah oleh lemahnya daya saing berdasarkan Index Mundi mencatat bahwa produksi. CPO minyak bumi, harga minyak bunga matahari, harga kacang kedelai, dan harga minyak https://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=crude- oil&months=240 (2017). Dampak Perang Minyak Nabati Dunia terhadap Industri CPO. variabel-variabel volume ekspor minyak sawit, rasio harga minyak kelapa sawit domestik (2018). Analisis ekspor CPO Indonesia ke Uni Eropa: Faktor apa yang November 2018, dari https://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/? commodity. 26 Jun 2017 processing industry is a key industry for the economy. This section analyzes Indonesian CPO production and export. Source: Index Mundi
Kami hanya menyajikan data komoditas yang tersedia di bursa berjangka internasional, bukan komoditas daerah. Untuk mendapatkan informasi harga CPO di Lampung, kami rasa ada baiknya Anda kontak Dinas Pertanian atau Dinas Perdagangan Lampung dan meminta agar disediakan update harga CPO. Data Briefs. Curated by Knoema’s data analysts to deliver leading short-term and long-term indicators and forecasts from trusted sources for each of the covered industries.
20 Mar 2019 Monthly price chart and freely downloadable data for Palm oil. Price in US Dollars per Metric Ton. 240 month history. Monthly price chart and freely downloadable data for Palm oil. Price in Rupiah per Metric Ton. 120 month history.
Monthly price chart and freely downloadable data for Palm oil. Price in Rupiah per Metric Ton. 120 month history. Monthly price chart and freely downloadable data for Palm oil. Price in US Dollars per Metric Ton. 360 month history.
Monthly price charts and freely downloadable data for 8 indices and 75 primary commodities. 1980 - current. Includes agricultural products, fuels, metals, Grains. Index, Units, Price, Change, %Change, Contract, Time (EDT). C 1: